Queens Jubilee festivities in Arundel..Sorbet Handbag shop and peaceful riverside walks.

Good Morning

Weather not looking too festive out there but I hear its going to clear.
This was in Chichester yesterday great fun hey?
Queen and Prince Philip clearly doing whistle stop tours of the country...and all their corgis.

We have bunting all along the river bank .
Well done to our friends and neighbours who have done all the work.

Lets hope the sun breaks through later
Or at least that the heavens don't open.

I went down to the Sorbet, handbag shop
 opening in Tarrant Street, Arundel, yesterday afternoon.
They had done a great job.
It looked gorgeous.

the cupboard I painted

Well done Linda and team it looks fabulous.


Afterwards I had a wander around the town.

I caught the tail end of some Morris Dancing,
which appeared to also feature a few young soldiers and their girlfriends.
 I can't be sure, but I suspect they had been in the Red Lion behind them!

The Morris men took it all in good humour and they all had a group photo afterwards,
while shouting,
"God Save the Queen"

I went off down Mill Road for a walk

.......and went down to the Black Rabbit pub and no, I didn't stop for a drink!

I walked back along the riverbank in the early evening

waved to my husband as I passed our house...tee hee

(nah only joking)

Have a great day.
I hope your street party or other festivities are going well.

There are loads of things happening around
Arundel today,
especially down Tarrant Street.
If you are fairly local and don't have anything organised,
it might be worth a jaunt out.



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