English Victorian Chests of drawers

We take an unloved and rather battered chest, and sturdy and restore it. After that we paint and decorate with decoupage, using Victorian images. Many coats of varnish later,and some aging wax and the chest looks every bit of it's 100 years or more, but is now ready to go out there and wow them for another 100 years.
These are our three most popular images.
Many of our chests of drawers head off to a new life in the US via the American antique trade.
Of course...they dont have to be black. We are currently working on a design suggested to us by an interior designer living out in the country, who thought it would be a good idea to have a pale colored chest decorated with cows, sheep, chickens and other farm animals.
We are always happy to oblige and try out new ideas,however bonkers they might sound.