Chinoiserie and Clever Aunty, New Collections, Brighton Childhood and Ardingly Antiques Fair.
Good Morning
Arundel Eccentrics.
Hows life with you?
The gorgeous Everly is thriving and growing.
We can't wait until we get to California to see her.
Lets hope we manage that before she is 18.
Thanks goodness for FB, Email and Skype hey?
We are getting some beautiful pieces in the shop.
Copper and wood 19th century box.
painted wood children's chairs
This chair is so comfortable I've been known to snooze on a quiet Sunday afternoon in the shop.
Copper and wood 19th century box.
painted wood children's chairs
This chair is so comfortable I've been known to snooze on a quiet Sunday afternoon in the shop.
My clever aunt restores chinoiserie and has worked on
the 19th century trays and large circular snap top table below.
The flower table is all original.
Gorgeous isn't it?
Aunty B
is not just my aunt,
is not just my aunt,
she is my oldest friend.
Well, I've known her since birth.
Well, I've known her since birth.
My Mum,
waited 17 years for a sister.
Nan kept producing sons,
albeit lovely sons,
whom Mum still adored,
whom Mum still adored,
but she was desperate
for a little sister.
By the time the sister
came along,
came along,
Mum was engaged
and leaving home.
and leaving home.
So, my aunt and I were
nearer in age and when I
was in my teens,
we became the best of friends.
nearer in age and when I
was in my teens,
we became the best of friends.
Prior to that,
I have snatched recollections
of her feeding me "rainbow drops"
I have snatched recollections
of her feeding me "rainbow drops"
(remember those?)
and teaching us kids to make toffee apples
in our kitchen in Woodingdean,
on the outskirts of Brighton.
on the outskirts of Brighton.
Once I was grown up,
and I use the term loosely,(ha ha)
we were great buddies.
We saw each other
through some catastrophic,
We saw each other
through some catastrophic,
but equally,
euphoric times too.
euphoric times too.
This is some of the work
my exceedingly
my exceedingly
clever aunty does.
In the 1960's she trained at
Brighton Art College
and later worked
for my grandad,
her father,
for my grandad,
her father,
who was a well known
furniture restorer in Brighton.
furniture restorer in Brighton.
Grandad was pleased when
I came into the business.
Said I'd sneaked in
through the back door.
As with many things in life
it wasn't planned.
Just seemed to evolve.
Barbara does the most beautiful
hand painted work.
Chinoiserie is one
her of specialities,
her of specialities,
which I wouldn't even attempt.
chinoiserie on a 19th century bamboo table painted by Aunty B |
Noah's Ark on a 19th century chest
special family anniversaries. |
We visit the cemetery in
Woodingdean and go for a long
walk to chat and remember all those
dear to us that are no longer around.
No really,
it's never maudlin.
We laugh hysterically at
some of the old family tales.
Shed a small tear occasionally.
Hug each other and
vow to meet more often.
Biddy and Flossy our walking companions. |
looking down over Brighton |
My visits to Brighton
always make me feel nostalgic ...
childhood memories come flooding back.
When I was 13,
I was in love
with a 17 year old mod
from up the road.
I used to stand
on the toilet seat and gaze misty eyed
out the of the bathroom window.
I'd watch him drive up
and down the
road on his silver lambretta.
Oh! the ecstasy as I jumped off the school bus
one bitter winters afternoon.
I was in my Convent Girl
school uniform.
The gorgeous Pete
drove up on his lambretta,
wearing his parka.
"Can I borrow your scarf, its freezing on here?"
Oh joy...I could barely contain myself.
Remember being 13?
Just as the scarf was in place,
wound neatly around his neck.
My mother's dulcet tones came from across the street.
"Get that scarf off yer greasy neck Smithy"
Oh the mortification of it !
I blushed, he blushed.
He quickly rode off on his scooter.
I stood in the middle of the road
gazing misty eyed after him.
Unrequited teenage lurve.
ha ha.
I wonder what became of him?
Ardingly Antique Fair.
The next Ardingly Antique Fair
is on soon
Tuesday 15th
Wednesday 16th April
If you get on the fairs website
you can download a pdf
of the entire years dates.
If you've never been............
I would always advise to go on the first day, if you can.
It's called "Dealers day",
but you don't have to be a dealer to gain entry.
You just need £20.
Its cheaper second day, (but the £20 you pay on the first will give you a ticket for both days.)
I love the first day.
It's buzzy.
Everyone is full of anticipation.
Buyers and sellers alike.
By the second day some sellers have already left.
Many of the best pieces have sold.
I'm not so keen on the stuffed animals.......
![]() |
Van hiccups
We are having trouble with our van.
Have been for ages.
It's cost a lot in patching up.
Probably the price of a new one.
The last thing that went wrong
was supposedly under warranty.
Now it seems it wasn't.
Every day its in hospital is
a day of no antique deliveries.
Hence losing money.
Hence losing money.
First Aid and part exchange.
That could be the answer
Anyone know of a good van place in Sussex?
Saving Mr. Banks.
Either I was in need of a good weep,
or Saving Mr. Banks was brilliant.
Emma Thompson and Tom Hanks
were wonderful and
I'm now deeply in love with
Colin Farrell.
I've always thought Emma Thompson would be a
great person to invite round to a girls night.
You get the impression she would be happy
to sit in the kitchen with a
glass of plonk and a few girlfriends.
The film was marvellous.
I watched it on Sky last night
and when Nass came home
he found me sitting in the dark.
The credits were rolling.
as the tears poured down my face.
A great night. LOL
The Chests of Drawers
Remember we were following the up cycling
of the two chests standing in my lounge?
So here they are now painted black.....
Now its on to the next stage of decorating with decoupage.