
Life's Adventures & Liberty London

That first photo was taken many years ago.

Jay, my son, and I outside Liberty London.

He is now a hugely successful menswear designer in California with a family of his own.

My friend Trudy sent me the snapshot.
As a reminder of the days she and I used to take our children out for " adventure days" in the school holidays.

We didn't have a lot of cash and went all over the place in our citroen 2cvs....
....4 kids, often 3 dogs, and us.

London was a real adventure.
Always with a dip into Liberty.

I would never... in a month of Sundays have thought one day I'd have a connection with that beautiful store...other than being a visitor.

In 2016 they called us.

Imagine that.

In an old warehouse so, so, hidden away it was a full time job letting visitors to Arundel know we were even there....let alone get them through our door....

......and being contacted by one of the most prestigious stores in the UK.

It was such a shock.....I thought it was a friend playing a joke.

" Ha,ha, yes very funny Allie."
said the voice at the other end of the phone,
" This really is Liberty."

I had to sit down...before I fell down.

Would we like to take a small space with our antique collection?

The day we arrived with our van we found they had given us...not a small space...but...the run of the entire 4th floor.

We stayed 2 years.

As adventures go?

That was a real corker........

#antiquefurniture #interiordesign #englishantiques #frenchantiques #decoupage #upcycled #Liberty's #libertylondon


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